PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Sheriff’s Office Chain Gang picked up 5,620 pounds of litter from an illegal dumpsite on Bogey Lane, 340 pounds of litter from four illegal dumpsites along Taylor Cut-off Road, 200 pounds of litter from an illegal dumpsite on Elwha River Road, 100 pounds of litter from an illegal dumpsite on Palo Alto Road and 460 pounds of litter from an illegal dumpsite on Sieberts Creek Road during the week of Sept. 9-13.
Notable items found include three mattresses, two couches and two refrigerators.
Crew members assisted the county Roads Division by brushing and chipping along Dan Kelly Road.
So far this year the chain gang has cleaned 147.25 miles of roadway, picked up 8,050 pounds of roadside litter, picked up 181,310 pounds of illegal dumpsite litter, trimmed 94,358 feet of guardrail, pulled or sprayed approximately 31,580 Scotch broom plants and brushed 9.5 miles of county right-of-way.
For the Forest Service, the chain gang has so far this year cleaned 11.1 miles of forest service roads or trails.