PORT ANGELES — Business property owners along U.S. Highway 101 east of Port Angeles will soon be asked to sign a petition to extend sewer service to the area.
The petition, if signed by enough landowners, would lead to formation of a Local Improvement District to provide funding for the project.
Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 will build the sewer line if there is enough support.
Russ Veenema and Jim Haguewood, directors of the Port Angeles Chamber of Commerce and Clallam County Economic Development Council, respectively, are leading the petition drive.
“This is pretty exciting,” Veenema said Friday, predicting success in gaining enough signatures to get the project going.
State law requires 10 percent of the property owners to agree to be taxed for local improvements such as sewers.
The petition drive is the result of last month’s survey of business owners in the Urban Growth Area east of downtown Port Angeles.
The rest of the story appears in Sunday’s Peninsula Daily News.