SEQUIM –– Officials with the Clallam Public Utility District are preparing to raze the agency’s old office at 410 E. Washington St.
General Manger Doug Nass said Thursday morning the hope is to have it torn down later this year.
“This year. That’s the plan,” Nass said.
The district built the office in the mid-1960s, spokesman Mike Howe said, and used it until it centralized operations in the old Costco building at Carlsborg in 2007.
With its Sequim substation located at the back of the property, Nass said, the district will keep the property in case it needs to expand its presence in Sequim.
The district had planned to lease the building after closing it but could not find a tenant.
Nass said the building also contains a lot of asbestos that would make a remodel too costly.
Nass said the plan now is to demolish the building, extend landscaping across the street frontage and close off the Washington Street driveway.
The district will put together a package on the project and put the demolition contract out to bid soon, Nass said.
Sequim-Dungeness Valley Editor Joe Smillie can be reached at 360-681-2390, ext. 5052, or at