SEQUIM — Sequim resident Sue Chickman said redrawing county commissioner districts should not favor any political party.
Chickman was one of 24 Sequim-area residents who went to the Sequim Boys and Girls Club on Thursday to hear county Districting Master Jeff Well propose options to equalize the population of county commissioner districts.
Commissioners are required to readjust boundaries every ten years based on census figures.
“People are more important than geography,”‘ Chickman told the five districting commission members who will recommend new county commissioner district boundaries.
“I would like the final choice of boundary disfavor any political party,” she said.
Well proposed moving the District No. 1 boundary east of its current position near Bagley Creek Road.
This full report appears in the Friday/Saturday weekend editions of the Peninsula Daily News, on sale throughout Jefferson and Clallam counties. Or click onto “Subscribe” at left to purchase your copy via U.S. mail.