PORT ANGELES — Do you know Clallam County like the back of your hand, or do you need a palm reader?
Try this quiz to find out how well you know your neighbors:
* The single biggest slice of the population as of 2004 was:
a) 45 to 49 years old.
b) 50 to 54 years old.
c) 55 to 59 years old.
* Median household income in 2004 was:
a) $32,268 per year.
b) $41,108 per year
c) $51,762 per year
* The school district with the highest percentage of high school graduates in 2004 was:
a) Cape Flattery.
b) Quillayute Valley
c) Sequim.
If you answered A, B and C, you are smart, lucky or some sort of socio-economic numbers nut.
If you didn’t do so well, here’s the book you need to bone up:
Meeting the Challenge, the 2005 Clallam County Community Profile, has been released by United Way and the county Health and Human Services Department.
Available at the United Way offices, 102½ E. First St., the report also is on the Web at www.unitedwayclallam.org/docs/2005%20Community%20Profile.pdf or www.clallam.net/healthservices/assets/applets/05_COM_PROFILE_WEB.pdf.
Both print and electronic versions of the 12-page profile are chocked with graphs, maps, tables and photos, as easy-to-read a document of its kind as you’ll find.