If you own property in Clallam County and think your 2010 property tax statements are a little late this year, you’re right.
The Clallam County Treasurer’s Office, which usually mails statements the middle of February, hopes to have them in the mail this year by Friday, said Teresa Machi, chief deputy treasurer, Tuesday.
The learning curve for a new computer program slowed the work this year, Machi said, but the statements are being printed now.
Friday is the earliest day the statements could go out, she said.
“They’re about two weeks late this year,” Machi said. “Usually, we mail them about the 14th of February, but because of the new program, we’re a little bit behind.”
The new program, the first major change in 30 years, caused a significant change in business procedures, the office said in a statement.
Tax statements are available online at www.clallam.net, the office said.
The Jefferson County Treasurer’s Office mailed statements on Feb., 10, a representative said.
The state of Washington’s due date for the first half — or the full payment — is April 30.