PORT ANGELES — Clallam Transit System boardings rose 6 percent last year, according a report released this week by Terry Weed, Clallam Transit operations manager.
The report shows overall transit use — including paratransit, charter, special and vanpool — increased from 762,057 riders in 2001 to 807,940 passengers last year
“The primary factors contributing to this overall ridership boost came from the vanpool program that gained 15,000 passenger trips, special services that grew by 4,000, and weekday fixed route services, which grew by 30,000 trips,” Weed said Wednesday.
Ridership on Clallam Transit System’s fixed routes rose 5 percent in 2002 compared to the previous year, the report shows.
Weed said the final 2001 fixed route count was 683,257 riders, an increase of 30,000 trips over 2001.
The rest of the story appears in the Thursday Peninsula Daily News. Click on SUBSCRIBE at the top of this page to get the PDN delivered to your home or office.