PORT ANGELES — Six local heroes will be honored Thursday night with the Clallam County Community Service Award for 2006.
The award honors the “dedication, sacrifice and accomplishments”‘ of community leaders and volunteers “who have made a difference in Clallam County, who have made our communities a better place by doing extraordinary things for their neighbors, their community or the environment.”
This is the 26th year of the award, begun by the Peninsula Daily News and now co-sponsored with Soroptimist International of Port Angeles-Noon Club.
A judging committee selected the five from more than 30 nominations made by individuals, clubs, churches, businesses and other organizations.
“These are truly local heroes, working to make community life stronger, tighter, happier, richer — busy people who unselfishly give their time and energy to help others, who always seem to be able to make time to offer a hand or a shoulder,” said John Brewer, PDN editor and publisher.
Inspirational service
The recipients are:
* Steve Zenovic, owner of Zenovic and Associates, a survey and engineering company in Port Angeles.
He has devoted thousands of hours of unpaid volunteer service, money and engineering services for projects which benefit the community in general and children and teens in particular.
Aided by his fellow Nor’wester Rotary Club members, Zenovic was the driving force in the planning, design and construction of the Port Angeles Skate Park last year.
He has helped create new ball fields, Valley Creek Estuary, Port Angeles Dream Playground, portions of Olympic Discovery Trail and buildings for the Sequim and Port Angeles units of the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula.
He has been involved in numerous groups, from Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts to the Hurricane Ridge Winter Sports Club. The local Red Cross chapter hailed him as “an energetic force for good.”
“He serves as a hero to all in this community,” said Gwyn Callis in a letter nominating Zenvoic for the Community Service Award.
* John and Sue Miles, for their work with the Clallam County Humane Society “and many years of service to the animals of Clallam County.”
“He is passionate about directing us all toward our mutual goals of having a new shelter . . .
“I am continually amazed by his patience and sage wisdom with regard to the future direction of CCHS . . . [and] Sue has implemented so many programs, policies, spay-neuter programs, adoption and foster programs, feral cat programs and has led so many volunteers for so very long I can’t begin to count,” according to a nomination letter from Kandace Schmidt of Sequim.
* Bryce Fish of Sequim, active with the Boys and Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula, Sequim Sunrise Rotary Club, Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels and Dungeness Community Church.
“He owns a bobcat’ tractor and constantly is looking to use it to help others,” said Stephen Rosales in a nomination letter.
“He has used it to clear parking lots for churches in Clallam County, making new trails at Robin Hill Park, Port Williams boat dock and is currently working on a bird-viewing platform in the county.”
* Eleanor Tschimperle of Port Angeles, a tireless and devoted volunteer for the Port Angeles Senior Center, Clallam County Historical Society, the Golden Craft Shop in downtown Port Angeles and numerous other groups.
“Eleanor inspires others to volunteer in at least three ways,” said D. Bellamente in a letter nominating Tschimperle.
“First she is an example of how ‘the ordinary person’ can make a huge difference in a community and touch so many others.
“Second, she is a master at recognizing strengths and skills in others and encouraging them to volunteer.
“Third, at 87 years old, Eleanor breaks down societal stereotypes of what our older citizens can accomplish and give back to our community.”
* Steve Methner, owner of Steve Methner Insurance in Port Angeles, has been a leader of Clallam County United Way, Port Angeles Education Foundation and the Port Angeles Dream Playground Foundation.
“The reason I most admire Steve Methner is that I believe all that he does . . . and all that he gives . . . is with the purest of intentions of giving the best that he has . . . to make another’s life better with no strings attached,” said a nomination letter by Marci Viada.
Said Kristin Glenn in her nomination letter: “His work has benefited children, low-income families and seniors, the developmentally disabled and families in crisis.
“Steve’s unceasing efforts are motivated by his desire to make this county a better place for all our residents.
“It is difficult to drive by the Dream Playground without thinking of Steve. His remarkable leadership and unsurpassed energy helped turn a great idea into a reality.
“The Dream Playground is a place where families and friends gather, play and grow stronger.
“It would not exist without Steve Methner.”
Senior Center ceremonies
The six will receive framed award certificates at a dessert reception that begins at 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the large dining room at the Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. Seventh St.
The reception is open to the public and will include coffee and desserts.
Cost to attend is $5 per person, payable at the door by cash or check (no credit cards).
Reservations are requested.
To RSVP, call the Port Angeles office of attorney Deborah Nelson Willis, 360-417-9081.
Willis is vice president of the Soroptimist Noon Club.
The deadline to RSVP is 2 p.m. Monday.