PORT ANGELES — Both Peninsula College and the Port Angeles High School will host college fairs Thursday.
Representatives of 13 colleges and universities will be at Peninsula College, 1502 E. Lauridsen Blvd., from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for College Transfer Fair.
They will meet with anyone interested in learning more about college opportunities.
No appointments are necessary.
Thursday’s sessions will be in the college’s Pirate Union Building.
Colleges represented will be Bastyr University, Central Washington University, City University, Eastern Washington University, Northwest University, Pacific Lutheran University, Peninsula College, The Evergreen State College, University of Washington, University of Washington Bothell, University of Washington Tacoma, Washington State University and Western Washington University.
The college’s event, which is sponsored by the Washington Council for High School-College Relations, led to the development of a Port Angeles High School college fair.
It will be in the main gymnasium at the high school, 304 E. Park Ave., from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. Thursday.
“I was pleased that every [college] rep agreed to extend their day and visit the high school campus for our college fair,” said guidance counselor Mike Nolan.
The high school’s college fair will differ from Peninsula College’s version.
It will include representatives from two-year colleges and technical colleges as well as those from four-year colleges.
More than 30 college representatives are expected to attend the fair, which is open to both students and their parents.
Parents are welcome.
All three high school counselors will be on hand to meet individually with them.
“This event should provide a wonderful opportunity for our students to speak with college representatives one-on-one,” Nolan said.
“In addition to getting questions answered, students should get a sense of whether or not a particular college is a good fit for them.”
In addition to representatives from colleges featured at Peninsula College’s fair, the high school expects representatives from Art Institute of Seattle, Bates Technical College, Bellevue College, Corban University, Cornish College of the Arts, Cottey College, Everest College, FIDM (Fashion Institute), Gonzaga, Highline Community College, ITT Technical-Everett, Linfield College, Navy ROTC, Northwest Indian College, Oregon State University, Portland State University, St. Martin’s University, Seattle Pacific University, Shoreline Community College, University of Washington Seattle and Whitworth University.
Thirty percent of PAHS students enroll in four-year colleges, but even more enroll in two-year and technical colleges.