WHIDBEY ISLAND — The U.S. Navy is accepting public comments regarding a draft of its amended analysis to the final environmental impact statement for EA-18G Growler aircraft operations at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island through April 28.
The amended analysis was mandated by the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.
The analysis is available for public review at www.nepa.navy.mil/growler.
Paper copies of the analysis also are available for review at 22 public libraries in the northern Puget Sound region, including the Jefferson County Public Library, the Port Angeles Main Library, the temporary location of the Sequim Branch Library and the Port Townsend Public Library.
This draft updates greenhouse gas emissions calculations and explains the basis for those calculations; clarifies and expands on the analysis of species-specific impacts on birds; refines the analysis of the impact of increased operations on childhood learning and attempts to quantify the degree of impact to the extent supported by the best available science; and reassesses whether relocating some or all of the Growler community to Naval Air Facility El Centro is a reasonable alternative. It also provides more of an explanation of the Navy’s reasoning for eliminating that alternative from more detailed study.
The Navy will conduct two open houses on Whidbey Island in April. The first will be from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 1 at the Oak Harbor Elks Lodge, 155 NE Ernst St., Oak Harbor. The second will be from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. April 2 at the Whidbey Island Nordic Lodge Hall, 63 Jacobs Road, Coupeville.
The Navy also will host a virtual meeting featuring an informational presentation at 7 p.m. April 3.
The virtual meeting will address questions emailed to growler_amended_analysis@us.navy.mil.
A recording of the virtual meeting will be posted on the project website.
The public can submit written comments during the in-person public meetings, online at the project website, or by mail to: Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Atlantic; Attention: Code EV21JB (Growler Project Manager); 6506 Hampton Boulevard, Norfolk, VA 23508‐1278.
Comments should describe specific issues or topics. Those outside the scope of the Draft Amended Analysis will not be considered.
All comments must be submitted electronically or postmarked by 11:59 p.m. PDT on April 28.
For more information, mail: U.S. Fleet Forces Command, 1562 Mitscher Ave., Suite 250, Attn: Mr. Theodore Brown, Installations and Environment Public Affairs Officer, Norfolk, VA 23551-2487, call Brown at 757-836-4427, email theodore.c.brown4.civ@us.navy.mil or visit the project website, www.nepa.navy.mil/growler.