PORT ANGELES — Friends, admirers and associates are invited to a reception Thursday evening where six community heroes will be honored with the Clallam County Community Service Award for 2015.
The award honors the “dedication, sacrifice and accomplishments” of community leaders and volunteers “who have made a difference in Clallam County, who have made our communities a better place by doing extraordinary things for their neighbors, their community or the environment.”
The honorees are:
■ Reath Ellefson, a tireless individual who uses her hands and heart to organize free community meals.
■ John Willits, passionately dedicated to preserving the North Olympic Peninsula’s natural resources.
■ Edna Leppell, West End ultra-volunteer involved in multiple community projects and activities spanning several decades.
■ Peggy Norris, who shares her talents, energy and passion with the Clallam County Historical Society, Kiwanis, Salvation Army and other groups.
■ Wendy and Russ Bonham, a spirited couple responsible for organizing, coaching and leading the Clallam County Orcas Special Olympics team.
The six will receive framed award certificates at a reception in the downstairs meeting room at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 E. Lopez Ave., Port Angeles, that begins at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.
The reception is open to the public and will include coffee and special desserts.
Admission is free.
This is the 36th year of the Clallam County Community Service Award, begun by the Peninsula Daily News and now co-sponsored by Soroptimist International of Port Angeles-Noon Club.
A blue-ribbon judging committee selected the six from nominations made by individuals, clubs, churches, businesses and other organizations.
“These are truly local heroes, working to make community life stronger, tighter, happier, richer — busy people who unselfishly give their time and energy to help others, who always seem to be able to make time to offer a hand or a shoulder,” said John Brewer, PDN publisher and editor.