PORT ANGELES — Computerized placement tests will be available for students beginning at 10:30 a.m. Sunday in Room 134 in Building M of Peninsula College.
The test, called a COMPASS test, takes about 1½ hours to complete and helps students identify skill levels in reading, writing and math.
The test is untimed, and there are no “passing scores.” Instead, test scores indicate areas of strength and weakness and are used to help the college ensure accurate placement in English and math courses.
Appointments are needed.
A student planning to take the test should bring payment of $20 in cash or a check payable to Peninsula College, photo identification, a Peninsula College student identification number or Social Security number, and an ACT-approved calculator for the algebra test.
Reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities will be provided if requests are made at least 10 days prior to the event, and efforts will be made to accommodate late requests, the college said.
To make an appointment for the test, phone 360-417-6346 or toll-free at 877-452-9277, ext. 6346.
For more information on COMPASS tests and for practice tests, visit www.act.org/compass.