PORT ANGELES — Veterans in Clallam County who need help connecting to services can now stop by a new weekly veteran drop-in center Mondays.
The drop-in center will be open 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays at the Northwest Veteran Center, 216 S. Francis St., in Port Angeles.
“Each week there will be different providers there, including housing, [Veterans Affairs] outreach, employment specialists, VA medical, shelter provides, [Department of Social and Health Services] and others,” said Joe Ingram, veteran specialist coordinator for Olympic Community Action Programs (OlyCAP).
“This is a veteran service provider motivated project to meet the needs of all veterans whether they are homeless or not.”
Ingram, a veteran who previously was homeless, said it is a cooperation between service providers and that there isn’t necessarily a lead on the initiative.
There may be different providers there each week, but officials can help veterans connect with whichever resources they need.
He said that among the resources veterans can be connected to is the Clallam County Veterans’ Assistance Fund.
“We can connect them with the county fund, which can get the gas cards or food cards,” he said. “We also have access to the clothing bank here.”
Ingram said sometimes people don’t need services and they just want to talk to other veterans.
“When I talk to combat vets, even from Afghanistan, it’s the same feelings and we talk about our feelings,” Ingram said. “It’s hard to do unless you’re talking to a vet, somebody that’s been there.”
Reporter Jesse Major can be reached at 360-452-2345, ext. 56250, or at jmajor@peninsula dailynews.com.