Peninsula Daily News
Unwanted prescription pills —— including controlled substances — can be returned in cities throughout the North Olympic Peninsula on the second national drug “take-back” day Saturday.
Uniformed officers will be at Chinook Pharmacy in Forks, Jim’s Pharmacy in Port Angeles, the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office, the Port Angeles Police Department, the Port Townsend Police Station and the Sequim Police Department to accept unwanted pills.
The service will be offered from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. everywhere expect Forks, where hours will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., said Forks Police Chief Doug Price.
The Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office will not be open for the drug take-back Saturday.
However, Sheriff Tony Hernandez said his department accepts all pills — including controlled substances — from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. weekdays.
Drugs may be taken to the lobby of the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office for disposal Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Law enforcement offices around the Peninsula will accept unwanted pills during regular business hours weekdays.
It is illegal for a pharmacy to accept controlled substances unless a law enforcement officer is present.
Non-narcotic pills can be returned to Jim’s Pharmacy at 424 E. Second St. during business hours, owner Joe Cammack said.
The pharmaceutical drugs, including highly addictive narcotic painkillers, are taken to the Environmental Protection Agency-approved incinerator in Spokane, where law enforcement officials destroy the drugs they seize on the street.
Benedict said the Clallam County Sheriff’s Office turned in 2,000 pounds of prescription drugs last year, 400 pounds of which were returned during the inaugural take-back day in September.
The Clallam County Sheriff’s Office has collected 5,000 pounds of drugs in the past two years, Benedict said.