EDITOR’S NOTE: See related story: https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/article/20130408/NEWS/304089988
PENINSULA DAILY NEWS photojournalist Keith Thorpe captures the falling of the 175-foot stack that once towered over the Peninsula Plywood mill.
The stack was supposed to topple when explosives were ignited at the base, but it didn’t until crews “cut” through reinforcement steel — rebar — and heavy equipment pulled the stack down about 2 hours and 45 minutes later.
Unlike the explosion for which there were warning horn sounds and a countdown, there was little warning that the stack was to tumble at 6:13 p.m.
Check back on Tuesday for additional video — including that from a camera isolated on the stack’s base when the explosives were set off. The unmanned camera was only about 90 feet from the stack (and unfortunately ran out of battery by the time the stack was toppled).
Also coming up on Tuesday: Video from atop an 80-foot bluff overlooking the site of the former plywood mill with Port Angeles Harbor in the background.
(If your browser isn’t allowing the video to show up in the box at right, please click on this link: http://vimeo.com/63627683 )