■ Jefferson County Chamber of Commerce — Twice-monthly luncheon meetings are held on the first Monday at noon at the Port Townsend Elks Lodge, 555 Otto St., and the third Monday at noon at Fort Worden Commons, 200 Battery Way.
This Monday’s program will feature Janette Force of the Port Townsend Film Festival with a preview of the upcoming 17th annual festival, scheduled Sept. 23-25.
The luncheon’s sponsor will be Bootstrap Commercial Arts.
Lunch by Subway costs $8.
■ Port Angeles Business Association — Breakfast meetings with networking and educational programs are held Tuesdays at 7:30 a.m. at Joshua’s Restaurant, 113 DelGuzzi Drive (off U.S. Highway 101) in east Port Angeles.
This coming Tuesday’s program will feature Karen Goschen, the new executive director of the Port of Port Angeles.
There is a $3 minimum charge by Joshua’s for those at the PABA meeting who do not order breakfast.
■ North Hood Canal Chamber of Commerce — Representing the “Emerald Towns” of the Hood Canal, Quilcene and Brinnon, the chamber meets monthly on the third Monday of the month.
The chamber is on summer hiatus and will resume meetings in September.
■ Forks Chamber of Commerce — Luncheon meetings usually are Wednesdays at noon at Blakeslee’s Bar & Grill, 1222 S. Forks Ave.
There will be no chamber meetings for the months of July and August.
All of the above meetings are open to the public.