The three Clallam County commissioners will consider agreements with Port Angeles attorney Lauren Erickson and former Prosecuting Attorney William Payne for hearing examiner services Tuesday.
The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. in the commissioners’ boardroom (160) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
Clallam County has been without a staff hearing examiner since Mark Nichols became prosecuting attorney last November.
Erickson has been handling land-use hearings on a contract basis in the interim.
Commissioners also will consider the repeal of an ordinance concerning the Opportunity Fund program and consider an ordinance continuing interim zoning for marijuana businesses.
Other agenda items include:
â– A contract amendment with the state Recreation and Conservation Office modifying the scope of work for the Spruce Railroad Trail restoration project.
â– A bid opening for the printing of Clallam County legal publications.
â– A resolution declaring four vehicles as surplus.
Commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Monday for their weekly work session to discuss Economic Development Council board applications, Commissioner Jim McEntire’s correspondence with the state Department of Ecology on Water Resources Inventory Area 18 and possible regulation of limited apparel and adult entertainment businesses.
Port Angeles city
The Port Angeles City Council will hear a report on 2014 activities of the Clallam County Economic Development Council when it meets Tuesday.
The regular meeting that begins at 6 p.m. at 321 E. First St. at City Hall will be preceded by a 5 p.m. special meeting for an update on Elwha River sediment monitoring.
In his report, Bill Greenwood, EDC director, also will discuss the group’s reorganization.
The council will consider establishing an eight-day grace period in the utility billing cycle.
Council members will hear a United Way of Clallam County report, consider a collective bargaining agreement with the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 302 and listen to a presentation on Martin Luther King Jr. Race Equity Contest winners.
Economic Development Council
Board members of the Clallam County Economic Development Council will consider amending and replacing the board’s existing bylaws Thursday.
The meeting will begin at 10:15 a.m. in Room 208 of the North Olympic Peninsula Skills Center, 905 W. Ninth St., Port Angeles.
Board members also will consider recommendations for developing staff job descriptions, creating a way for private industry members to fund the EDC at higher levels and forming a strategy for engaging the community on the future of the group.
Port of Port Angeles
Port of Port Angeles commissioners will consider the roles of the commission and its executive director and review its master policy when they meet Monday.
The special meeting will be at 9 a.m. in port headquarters, 138 W. First St., Port Angeles.
The workshop is part of the commission’s strategic planning process.
Sequim schools
The Sequim School Board will review a proposed contract for a superintendent search when it meets Monday.
The board will gather at 5:30 p.m. at 503 N. Sequim Ave. for a special meeting to discuss the search contract with McPherson & Jacobson of Omaha, Neb.
Superintendent Kelly Shea is leaving to work as superintendent of East Valley School District in Spokane Valley.
The regular meeting will follow in the same place at 7 p.m. The board will consider policies to comply with state code regarding discrimination.
Board of Health
The Clallam County Board of Health will hear an update on the measles outbreak Tuesday.
The meeting will begin at 1:30 p.m. in council chambers at Forks City Hall.
Tuesday’s Clallam County Board of Health meeting was held at
The board also will hear a report on the influenza season and mandatory health care worker masking.
County Planning Commission
The Clallam County Planning Commission will conduct a work session on a draft update to the county shoreline plan and recreational marijuana Wednesday.
The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in the commissioners’ meeting room (160) at the Clallam County Courthouse.
County open house
Clallam County commissioners will hear public comment on a proposal concerning Towne Road on Thursday.
The open house will be from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Dungeness River Audubon Center, 2151 W. Hendrickson Road in Sequim.
Between 2,133 feet and 2,753 feet of Towne Road — about two-thirds of a mile — is slated for removal or relocation as part of Dungeness River floodplain restoration.
Olympic Medical Center
Clallam County Hospital District 2 commissioners will consider a rapid-treatment service agreement when they meet Wednesday.
Commissioners will meet at 6 p.m. in Linkletter Hall in the basement of Olympic Medical Center, 939 Caroline St., Port Angeles.
They also will take up an agreement with Peninsula Behavioral Health and consider sale of surplus property.
Clallam Transit
The Clallam Transit board will gather in Sequim to receive input from east county residents Monday.
The meeting will begin at 1 p.m. at the Sequim Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St., Sequim.
Marine resources
The Clallam County Marine Resources Committee will meet Monday.
The meeting will be at 5:30 p.m. in the Clallam County Courthouse’s commissioners’ meeting room.
An agenda for the meeting will be available at prior to the meeting.
Charter review
The Clallam County Charter Review Commission will hear from elected county officials Monday.
The meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. in Room 160 of the Clallam County Courthouse.
Lead Entity for Salmon
The North Olympic Lead Entity for Salmon will hear proposals for grants from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board and Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration funds when it meets Thursday.
The meeting will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in Port Angeles City Council chambers at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St.
The presentations are for projects on the Strait of Juan de Fuca from Sequim Bay to the Pysht River.
Clallam PUD
Clallam County Public Utility District commissioners will participate in an Excellence in Governance workshop Monday.
The work session will begin at noon in the boardroom of the Port Angeles main office, 2431 E. U.S. Highway 101.