EYE ON CLALLAM: Dungeness off-channel reservoir design to be discussed

Peninsula Daily News

Clallam County commissioners will hear an update on the design of the Dungeness off-channel reservoir project on Monday.

The work session will begin at 9 a.m. in the commissioners’ board room (160) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

It can be viewed at www.clallam.net/features/meetings.html.

The reservoir off River Road near Sequim will have 1,600 acre-feet of storage capacity to hold water diverted from the Dungeness River to be used in the summer and early fall to support irrigation and other needs.

Other agenda items for the work session include:

• An update on the Clallam County Veterans Center.

• An update on the county’s stormwater ordinance.

• A discussion on workflow pertaining to GIS (Geographic Information System) mapping services.

• A discussion on a memorandum of understanding with Kitsap County Incident Response Team.

• Proposed agreements with the state Department of Ecology for the Lower Dungeness floodplain restoration project.

• A resolution authorizing action on current use assessment applications pursuant to Clallam County open space code.

• Resolutions appointing Don Wenzl to the Behavioral Health Program Fund Advisory Board, Paula Hunt to the Heritage Advisory Board and Robert Knapp and Christia Skerbeck to the Conservation Futures Program Advisory Board.

Commissioners will conduct their weekly business meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

Action items include proposed agreements with The Answer for Youth (TAFY), North Olympic Regional Veteran’s Housing Network, Serenity House of Clallam County, Boys and Girls Clubs of the Olympic Peninsula, Habitat for Humanity of Clallam County, Forks Abuse Program and Concerned Citizens of Clallam County for Homelessness Task Force funds.

Other agenda items include:

• An agreement with the state Department of Transportation for the Sequim-Dungeness Way and Woodcock Road roundabout project.

• An agreement with the state Department of Transportation for an Olympic Discovery Trail extension from the Forks Calawah River Park to the Sitkum-Sol Duc Road.

• An amended agreement with Shannon & Wilson, Inc. for the Dungeness River floodplain restoration project.

• Notice of a July 20 hearing for a mid-year budget review.

• A resolution adopting supplemental appropriations.

• A public hearing for consideration of debatable budget emergencies.

Public Utility District

Clallam County Public Utility District commissioners will hear a presentation on solar energy in a virtual meeting at 1:30 p.m. Monday.

For viewing options and instructions for making public comment, visit the district’s website at www.clallampud.net.

In response to customer inquiries regarding solar and net-metering, staff will provide background and history on the district’s activities, an overview of energy efficiency measures, implications of the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA) requirements and an overview of the district’s current endeavors as they relate to solar energy and net-metering, according to the agenda.

Other agenda items for the business meeting include a resolution adopting a district financial policy and a resolution amending the Panoramic Heights Water System service area.

Sequim city

The Sequim City Council will consider adopting a permanent ordinance separating the council from administrative appeals of land use decisions when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday.

At a work session at 5 p.m. prior to the regular meeting, the council will discuss a capital improvement program overview and the Transportation Improvement Program.

The public can hear and participate online at https://zoom.us/j/91235464249 or by calling 253-215-8782 and using ID number 912 3546 4249. Written public comment can be sent to smc millon@sequimwa.gov and will be distributed to the council prior to the meeting.

The council also will conduct a public hearing on 2021 budget amendments and discuss in fill residential development standards.

Forks city

The Forks City Council will conduct a public hearing on the proposed adoption of the Clallam County Shoreline Master Program as the Forks Shoreline Master Program at 7:30 p.m. Monday.

The meeting will be at Forks City Hall, 500 E. Division St.

Listening and webcast options will be posted on city’s website, www.forks washington.org.

Written public comment can be submitted to info@forkswashington.org by 4 p.m. on the day of the meeting or in person at City Council chambers during the public comment period.

Other agenda items for the meeting include:

• Use of city property for the Forks Old Fashioned Fourth of July Celebration.

• Setting a public hearing date on a request to vacate easement at 1770 S. Forks Ave.

• A resolution adopting the 2021 Clallam County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.

• A Rain of Terror Haunted House agreement for use of city property.

Quillayute Valley

The Quillayute Valley School Board will consider approval of city use of school property and a middle school counseling program when it meets at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

The meeting will be live-streamed at https://youtu.be/yRAc5_I84uM,

The consent agenda includes several hirings.

Peninsula College

The Peninsula College Board of Trustees will conduct a special meeting at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The agenda and instructions for joining the virtual meeting will be posted 24 hours prior to the meeting at http://pencol.edu/aboutpc/board/agendas.

Public comments and questions may be submitted in writing through 5 p.m. Tuesday to kgriffith@pencol.edu.

Please include name, email address and phone number.

Submissions will be read aloud and addressed during the meeting and made a part of the public record. Excessively long submissions will be compiled and placed on the college website at a later date.

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