Peninsula Daily News
Port of Port Angeles commissioners will consider a Western Port Angeles Harbor Natural Resources Damage Settlement when they meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday.
To join the meeting, go to or call 253-215-8782. Use meeting ID 880 1796 4988.
Other items include a lease waiver for the Port Angeles Yacht Club and a work order for the Marine Trades Area.
For a full agenda, go to and click on agendas.
County commissioners
Clallam County commissioners will discuss law and justice legislation with a state Association of Counties official Monday.
The work session will begin at 9 a.m. in the commissioners’ board room (160) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
The meeting also can be viewed at
Association of Counties Policy Director Juliana Roe is scheduled to deliver the update on pending legislation affecting counties.
Other agenda items for the work session include:
• A presentation on upcoming Clallam Conservation District projects.
• An aquatic lands conservation license agreement with the state Department of Natural Resources for the lower Dungeness River floodplain.
• A 10 a.m. presentation on U.S. Forest Service Title II funding.
• A 1 p.m. discussion with a federal forester on projected timber revenue, fire management, fish passage barrier projects and the potential to develop a project with U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer’s Forest Collaborative.
Commissioners will conduct their weekly business meeting at 10 a.m. Tuesday.
To participate by phone, call 408-419-1715 and use meeting ID 875 561 784.
To participate via video conference, visit and join with the same meeting ID.
Public comment and questions can be directed to 360-417-2256 or
Action items include:
• A contract amendment with the state Department of Health for additional COVID-19 funding.
• An amended services agreement with the state Department of Social and Health Services for persons with developmental disabilities.
• An amended agreement with the state Military Department for translator costs for COVID-19.
• A resolution closing the Parks, Fair and Facilities Office petty cash fund.
• A resolution establishing one new recording till in the Auditor’s Office.
• A resolution appointing Shahida Shahrir to the Clallam County Board of Health.
• A 10:30 a.m. public hearing on a resolution declaring surplus property and authorizing sale.
Public Utility District
Clallam County Public Utility District commissioners will hear a presentation on the Energy Imbalance Market in a virtual meeting at 1:30 p.m. Monday.
For viewing options and instructions for making public comment, visit the district’s website at
Other agenda items include a memo of contract completion for the installation of a water main under Winterhaven Drive east of Port Angeles.
Conservation District
The Clallam Conservation District board will receive an executive director recruitment update at 3 p.m. Tuesday.
For viewing options, click on the district’s website,
Other agenda items include an cultural resources consultant agreement and a contract with Coast Salmon Foundation for landowner outreach.
Sequim city
The Sequim City Council will consider funding for the Sequim Understory project, including a Centennial Place initiative, when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday.
To join the meeting, go to or call 253-215-8782 and use ID#912 3546 4249.
Written public comment can be sent to before the meeting.
The council will consider providing the Sequim Understory project $150,000 annually for up to three years. ‘
Forks city
The Forks City Council will consider waste management when it meets at 7:30 p.m. Monday.
Listening and webcast options will be on the city’s website at www.forks
The council will consider an interlocal agreement for the Clallam County Solid Waste Management Plan and Hazardous Waste Plan Updates.
Quillayute Valley
The Quillayute Valley School Board will consider renewal of the superintendent’s contract when it meets at 5:30 p.m. Monday.
The meeting will be livestreamed at
The board also will hear reports on COVID-19, Education Support Professionals Week (March 8-12) and the annual Quillayute Valley Scholarship Auction set in May.
Peninsula College
Peninsula College trustees will hear standing reports and discuss taking action on a tenure question when they meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday.
The meeting can be viewed at; meeting ID: 843 5988 0087; the passcode is WGNwbEdYc1NnZTBDQ1dIQmFlZ1FvQT09.
Reports will be from the Associated Study Body, the Faculty Senate, the college president and others.
The agenda is posted at