Port of Port Angeles commissioners will hear a presentation on a proposed marine science campus at Oak and Front streets in Port Angeles when they meet Tuesday.
The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. in the public meeting room of the port administrative building, 338 W. First St., Port Angeles.
Commissioners also will discuss a port security grant application and receive a marine-trades-workforce update.
They will talk about a meeting at 10 a.m. June 2 with the Port Angeles City Council to discuss the removal of eight city-owned trees at Lincoln Park to lift Federal Aviation Administration landing restrictions at the port’s nearby William R. Fairchild International Airport.
Council members and port commissioners also will discuss developing a memorandum of agreement on hundreds of other trees at the park that limit runway use.
Clallam County
The three Clallam County commissioners will consider an agreement Tuesday with the city of Port Angeles for the joint use of firearms and active shooter training equipment.
The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. in the commissioners’ boardroom (160) at the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
Commissioners also will consider a letter of intent regarding the recommended service delivery area for behavioral health services and a change order with Stoptech Ltd. extending the completion date.
The weekly work session was moved from Monday to 9 a.m. Tuesday because of Memorial Day.
Scheduled discussion items include:
â– An agreement with the state Department of Transportation to provide engineering and/or other testing services on a reimbursable basis.
â– A resolution calling for a hearing to amend the six-year Transportation Improvement Program.
â– An agreement with the state Department of Transportation for improvements to Old Olympic Highway between the Dungeness River bridge and Mariott Avenue.
â– Notice of a hearing amending the regional allocation of Surface Transportation Program funds.
Sequim City Council
The Sequim City Council will hear a proposal from Sequim Family Advocates to expand the Albert Haller Playfields at the city’s Water Reuse Demonstration Site next to Carrie Blake Park when it meets Tuesday.
The council will meet at 6 p.m. at the Sequim Transit Center, 190 W. Cedar St.
Sequim Family Advocates wants to add 93 new parking spaces and a 1,249-square-foot restroom and storage facilities to accommodate larger tournament crowds at the playfields.
City Engineer David Garlington also will update the council on construction progress for the city’s new $16 million City Hall and police station.
Forks City Council
The Forks City Council will conduct a public hearing on proposed revisions to the parks and recreation project list when it meets Tuesday.
The council will meet at 7:30 p.m. at City Hall, 500 E. Division St.
The council also will consider a coastal study agreement with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and discuss an airport and industrial park fund budget amendment.
PA Planning Commission
The Port Angeles Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing before considering approval of a conditional-use permit for a recreational marijuana retailer on Marine Drive when it meets Wednesday.
The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. Wednesday in City Council chambers at City Hall, 321 E. Fifth St.
The conditional-use permit is needed for Malik Atwater and Vivian Wei to open a proposed recreational marijuana shop at 536 Marine Drive because the property is in the city’s industrial light zone.
Planning commissioners also will hold public hearings on:
â– A Port of Port Angeles shoreline substantial development conditional-use permit to repair and build marina boat ramps in the industrial heavy zone.
■Adding a new section to the city’s code concerning street trees.
Sequim School District
The Sequim School District’s Title VII Indian Education Program’s Parent Education Committee will review the proposed program for 2014-15 on Wednesday.
The special meeting will be at 4 p.m. in the Sequim Middle School library, 301 W. Hendrickson Road.
Clallam PUD
The Clallam County Public Utility District commissioners’ meeting for Monday has been canceled due to the Memorial Day holiday.
The next meeting will be June 2 at the Sequim Library, 630 N. Sequim Ave.