The Intergovernmental Collaborative Group will review, and possibly adopt, the draft COVID recovery and resiliency plan during a special meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday.
The group is composed of members of four entities: Jefferson County Commission, Port Townsend City Council, the Port of Port Townsend and Jefferson County Public Utility District.
The group also will consider potential meeting topics and community conversation speakers for the upcoming year.
To view the meeting live go to and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.” To listen only, call 1-872-240-3412 and enter access code 428-732-621#.
Public comments can be emailed to covidrecovery
County commission
The three Jefferson County commissioners will consider, and possibly adopt, the 2020-2021 budgets for the general fund, the road construction program and the capital improvement program when they meet at 9 a.m. Monday.
To view the meeting live go to and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.” To listen only call 1-646-749-3122 and enter access code 661-198-069#.
Public comment can be emailed to
Commissioners will hear an update on COVID-19 from Dr. Tom Locke at 9:45 a.m., a presentation on recommended changes to the 2021 conservation futures fund and will continue discussion on the county’s 2021 legislative priorities.
Items on the consent agenda include an agreement on the Quilcene Headwaters to bay preservation, several agreements regarding the Quilcene water tank, agreements with Jefferson Healthcare and Public Health and the appointment of Wendy Feltham to the North Pacific Coast Marine Resources Committee.
Board of Health
The Jefferson County Board of Health will discuss priorities for administration of newly licensed COVID-19 vaccines and holiday recommendations for testing, travel and gatherings under the new quarantine guidelines when they meet at 2:30 p.m. Thursday.
To view the meeting live go to and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.” To listen only, call 1-571-317-3122 and enter access code 483-306-037.
Public comment can be emailed to
The board also will hear an update on the Olympic Community of Health, discuss a resolution to waive late fees for food service establishment permits for the duration of the current public health emergency and consider policy regarding on-site sewage holding tanks.
Port Townsend city
The Port Townsend City Council will discuss the wastewater plan when it meets at 6:30 p.m. Monday.
To view the meeting live, go to council/page/agendas minutesvideos. To join the meeting, go to http://join and enter the webinar ID 578-066-435. To listen only, call 360-390-5064 and use access code 942-105-283#.
Submit public comment emails to be read aloud (up to three minutes per person) to
The council also will discuss the Olympic gravity water system and mill contract.
Port Townsend schools
The Port Townsend School Board Technology Committee will consider priorities for distributing 200 chromebooks, 20 laptops and 11 iPads when it meets at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday.
To join the meeting, go to, the meeting ID is 878 8611 5340. The password is czErWnpBc05uN2xwWXVqVzFraFZ1dz09. The link to the full agenda is at
Chimacum schools
The Chimacum School Board will consider acceptance of cash donations when it meets at 6 p.m. Wednesday.
To join the meeting visit csd49.zoomus/j/82679232108 or dial 1-253-215-8782, meeting ID: 826 7923 2108.
Student representatives Ava Vaughan-Mifsud and Eugenia Frank will give a report on their experience attending the Washington State School Directors’ Annual Conference.
The full agenda may be viewed at public.
Quilcene schools
The Quilcene School Board will elect officers and WSSDA legislative representative when they meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.
For links to the online meeting, email Jami Sukert at
The board will also review memoranda of understanding and discuss the nondiscrimination/affirmative action plan.
The agenda was not available Friday evening. It will be posted at Board-Agenda.html 24 hours before the meeting, officials said.
Transit Authority
The Board of Jefferson Transit Authority will hear a presentation by Feck and Peers on the authority’s long-range plan when they meet at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday.
To listen dial 1-877-568-4106 and enter access code 210-818-749.
Public comments can be emailed to speck@jefferson and will be read aloud during the meeting.
The board also will consider adopting the 2021 budget, authorizing an engagement letter with Integrity Systems LLC and authorizinga contract with KPFF Consulting Engineers.
The full agenda is available at
Housing Authority
The Peninsula Housing Authority Board of Commissioners will consider an amendment to its annual plan at 1 p.m. Wednesday.
To join the virtual meeting, visit the Peninsula Housing Authority website at and click on Board of Commissioners.
East Jefferson Fire-Rescue
East Jefferson Fire-Rescue board of fire commissioners will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday.
Call 1-312-757-3121, access code 401-947-525 to listen to the meeting.
No agenda was available as of Friday evening
Development Authority
The Fort Worden Public Development Authority board will meet at 9 a.m. Wednesday.
To join the meeting, go to or call 1-253-215-8782. The meeting ID is 959 4612 8861. The password is 911682.
Written comment can be submitted to by 8 a.m. Wednesday.
No agenda was available as of Friday evening. It is expected to be posted at category/pda-documents 24 hours before the meeting.
Fire District 3
Clallam County Fire District 3 commissioners will discuss the 2021-2024 collective bargaining agreement when they meet at 1 p.m. Tuesday.
To view the meeting live, visit, meeting ID 416137155, password OEhaQlBtQW9VaUluR1JpaVdBQzRzQT09.
To listen only, dial 1-877-853-5427 and enter meeting ID: 859 6064 7856 and password: 330005.
The board also will discuss a tort claim, a volunteer coordinator contract and an IT services contract.
The full agenda can be viewed at
The district covers the east side of Clallam County with a small portion in Jefferson County.