EYE ON THE PENINSULA: Jefferson commissioners to discuss defense caseloads

Meetings across the North Olympic Peninsula

The establishment of a utility improvement district, concerns about caseload standards for indigent defense and a special meeting to discuss the search for a new library director will be before boards and commissions next week.

Clallam County Commissioners

The three Clallam County commissioners will consider an agreement with the Welfare for Animals Guild (WAG) for cost-free animal sheltering services during their weekly business meeting Tuesday.

The commissioners’ work session, at 9 a.m. Monday, will preview items set for action at their formal meeting, which will start at 10 a.m. Tuesday.

The commissioners also will conduct 2025 budget meetings with the county administrator, chief finance officer, deputy CFO, budget coordinator and various department heads on Monday and Wednesday as well as a town hall-style budget meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meetings will be in the county commissioners’ meeting room in the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

The meetings can be viewed online at https://clallamcowa.portal.civicclerk.com.

To participate via Zoom video, visit https://zoom.us/j/8755617844.

To listen only, call 253-212-8782 then enter meeting ID 875 561 7844 and passcode 12345.

Agenda items include:

• An agreement with the state Military Department and State 911 Fund for $138,421 for Peninsula Communications.

• A memorandum of understanding with OUR RESCUE for donated equipment to assist with investigations against child trafficking.

• Agreement with Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe for $87,221 to increase Olympia oyster populations.

• A resolution authorizing an expenditure of $1,980 from the Clallam County Heritage Advisory Board to North Olympic History Center.

• An amended amendment with the state Office of the Secretary of State for $148,773 to improve elections.

• Discussion regarding the over-budget bid on the juvenile replacement chiller project.

• A call for bids for the Old Olympic Highway Resurfacing Project; bids must be received no later than 10 a.m. Nov. 19.

• Agreement with the state Department of Transportation for the inspection of bridges in Clallam County.

• A memorandum of understanding with Flaura’s Acres Homeowners Association to establish a utility local improvement district.

The meeting agendas are posted at https://clallamcowa.portal.civicclerk.com.

Public comment may be sent to agores@co.clallam.wa.us.

Other Clallam County meetings:

Meeting agendas are posted at https://clallamcowa.portal.civicclerk.com.

• The Clallam County Marine Resources Committee will meet at 5:30 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting will be in room 160 of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/85314804485.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID 853 1480 4485 and passcode 12345.

Jefferson County commission

The three Jefferson County commissioners will discuss a proposed letter to the state Supreme Court regarding caseload standards for indigent defense when they meet at 9 a.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting will be at the commissioners’ chambers in the Jefferson County courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.

To view the meeting live, go to www.co.jefferson.wa.us and follow the links under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

To join the meeting online, go to https://zoom.us/j/93777841705.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter access code 937-7784-1705#.

Public comments emailed to jeffbocc@co.jefferson.wa.us will be included in the minutes but no longer read aloud during the meeting; comments may still be made via Zoom or telephone.

Agenda items include:

• A public hearing regarding third quarter budget appropriations and extensions.

• A briefing on determining state and federal legislative priorities from Stephanie Wright of Strategies 360.

• A notice of a public hearing regarding 2022-2024 spending of Community Development Block Grants and proposed uses of 2024-2025 funding.

• An agreement with the state Department of Ecology for $11,080 for Conservation Corps crew restoration activities.

• An agreement with Dove House for $171,327 to operate the Recovery Café in 2025 and 2026.

• An agreement with Jumping Mouse Children’s Center for $226,283 to provide mental health therapy services for children ages 2-12 in East Jefferson County.

• An agreement with the state Military Department and the state Enhanced 911 Fund for $46,411 for Jefferson Communications 911 equipment.

The full agenda is expected to be posted at www.co.jefferson.wa.us by following the link under “Quick Links: Videos of Meetings-Streaming Live.”

Other Jefferson County meetings:

• The Finance Committee will meet at 8:30 a.m. Tuesday.

The committee will meet in the Board of County Commissioners’ chambers at the Jefferson County courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.

• The Civil Service Commission will meet at 2 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting will be in the first floor conference room at the Jefferson County courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/86832257765.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID 868 3225 7765.

• The Climate Action Committee will meet at 3 p.m. Tuesday.

To join the online meeting, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81012353627?pwd=QUxvSUZic1JHY0hsZ0JWN05GT0JxQT09.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782, then enter meeting ID 810 1235 3627 and passcode 121498.

• The Housing Fund Board will meet at 2:30 p.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meeting will be in the county commissioners’ chambers in the Jefferson County courthouse, 1820 Jefferson St., Port Townsend.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/91098454388.

• The Jefferson County Fair Association Board will conduct a special meeting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.

The hybrid meeting will be in the Washington State University Jefferson County Extension classroom at 97 Oak Bay Road, Port Hadlock.

To join the meeting online, visit https://wsu.zoom.us/j/93715070518.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 and enter meeting ID 937 1507 0518. No passcode is needed.

Association of counties

The Washington State Association of Counties will hear a weekly update on COVID-19 when they meet at noon Monday.

Both Clallam and Jefferson counties will participate.

To attend, register with the association at https://wsac-org.zoom.us/j/96091320845.

The association also will discuss current and emerging issues facing counties across the state.

Port of Port Angeles

Port of Port Angeles commissioners will meet at 9 a.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting will be at the port commission, 338 W. First St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87109234766.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 and enter webinar ID 871 0923 4766; no passcode is required.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://portofpa.com/about-us/agenda-center.

Port of Port Townsend

Port of Port Townsend commissioners will conduct a special meeting at 5 p.m. Tuesday.

The hybrid meeting will be in the Point Hudson Pavilion Building, 355 Hudson St., Port Townsend.

To join either of the meetings online, visit https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86269043651?pwd=MDlybTZHSmxaRW5BMW1CajdOTUJHUT09.

To listen only, call 1-253-215-8782 then enter meeting ID is 862 6904 3651 and password 911887.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://portofpt.com/about-us/port-commission/meeting-minutes.

Port Townsend city

The Port Townsend City Council will consider a resolution regarding initiative 2117 when it meets at 6 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting will be in council chambers at historic City Hall, 540 Water St., Port Townsend.

To view the meeting live, visit www.cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos.

To join the meeting online, visit https://zoom.us/j/98187633367.

To listen only, call 253-215-8782 and enter the meeting ID 981 8763 3367.

Written comments received at publiccomment@cityofpt.us more than two hours before the meeting will be attached to the council meeting record; public comments will not be read aloud during the meeting.

The full agenda is posted at https://cityofpt.us/citycouncil/page/agendasminutesvideos.

Chimacum School Board

The Chimacum School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The board will meet in room 702 at Chimacum Elementary School, 91 West Valley Road, Chimacum.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at go.boarddocs.com/wa/chimacum/board.nsf/public.

Crescent School

The Crescent School Board will meet at 6 p.m. Tuesday.

The board will meet in the library at Crescent School, 50350 state Highway 112, Joyce.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://go.boarddocs.com/wa/crescent/Board.nsf/Public.

Port Angeles schools

The Port Angeles School Board will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday.

The board will meet at Lincoln Center, 905 W. Ninth St., Port Angeles.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://www.boarddocs.com/wa/pasd/Board.nsf/public.

Jefferson Healthcare

Jefferson Healthcare commissioners will meet at 2 p.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meeting will be in the executive conference room at Jefferson Healthcare, 834 Sheridan St., Port Townsend.

To listen only, dial 509-598-2842. The conference ID number is 613756871#.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://jeffersonhealthcare.org/hospital-commission.

Quilcene Fire Rescue

The Quilcene Board of Fire Commissioners will discuss the preliminary 2025 budget when they meet at 7 p.m. Monday.

The hybrid meeting will be at Bob Wilson Station 21, 70 Herbert St., Quilcene.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5395075683.

The full agenda is posted at https://quilcenefirerescue.org.

Development authority board

The Fort Worden Public Development Authority board is scheduled to meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday.

The board typically meets in Commons B on Fort Worden, 200 Battery Way, Port Townsend.

The agenda and meeting link are expected to be posted at https://fwpda.gov/AgendaCenter.

North Olympic Library Trustees

The North Olympic Library System Board of Trustees will meet at 5:30 p.m. Thursday.

The hybrid meeting will be at the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St., Port Angeles.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83859256414?pwd=MUR2RTQzM1daaDd1Um1oOHlVS0dtdz09.

The agenda is expected to be posted at https://www.nols.org/board-administration.

Jefferson County Library

The Jefferson County Library Board of Trustees will discuss the search for a new library director during a special meeting at 10 a.m. Wednesday.

The hybrid meeting is in the Shold Room at the Jefferson County Public Library, 620 Cedar Ave., Port Hadlock.

To join the meeting online, visit https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83248568657?pwd=s24np7GvMquXQgFQ6agcPJGbVLaqbS.1.

The meeting agenda is posted at https://jclibrary.librarymarket.com/event/special-meeting-board-trustees-12745.

Water District #1

Jefferson County Water District #1 will meet at 6 p.m. Wednesday.

The district will meet in the Paradise Bay Community Club, 141 W. Alder St., Port Ludlow.

Water District #1 serves Paradise Bay.

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