PORT ANGELES — Family Planning of Clallam County has been re-funded more than $19,000 by the Regional Family Planning and Reproductive Health Title X Office to combat obesity in the family planning setting.
The grant is important in light of National Healthy Weight Week Jan. 15-21.
Healthy Weight Week is an annual observance that focuses attention on the importance of staying at a healthy weight.
The week celebrates healthy lifestyle habits that last a lifetime and help prevent medical problems, such as diabetes, hypertension and stroke.
Ways to maintain a healthy weight include talking to your health-care provider or physician about your weight, engaging in physical activity, involving your family to support your goals, making healthy nutrition choices and utilizing your local parks and exercise facilities.
As part of the grant funding, Family Planning provides information and resources for clients who are overweight because women who weigh at least 150 pounds are 1.6 times more likely to experience oral contraceptive failure.
Family Planning’s weight management services include client and public education, referrals, advocacy and support.
To date, more than 930 information and resource packages have been disseminated to family planning clients.
For more information about the Reduction of Obesity Program or other programs, call 360-452-2954.