PORT ANGELES — The tar that was tracked up and down downtown sidewalks and into businesses Wednesday proved to be less of a problem Thursday.
The sticky road sealant applied to parking lanes on both sides of First Street appeared to be solidifying Thursday with the help of fine basalt that was pressed into the pavement by city and contracted work crews.
“It still has some tackiness to it,” said city engineer Mike Puntenney.
“When people turn out with their wheels, it will open that up a bit.
“It’s not at all like it was yesterday.”
Puntenney said the sealant, which was applied to First Street between Valley and Lincoln streets, may be completely solidified this weekend.
More of the basalt will be applied early this morning, said Jim Mahlum, city civil engineer.
A solvent will be used to clean the tar from the crosswalks and sidewalks.
The city’s contractor, Road Construction Northwest Inc., is helping businesses remove the tar from their floors, Puntenney said.
“They are trying to make the best amends possible,” he said.
First Street work is expected to be finished either next week or the week after.
Crews started working between Valley and Lincoln streets in February by installing a new stormwater pipe.
They then paved the street and are now installing new crosswalks. Bike lanes also will be added.
Reporter Tom Callis can be reached at 360-417-3532 or at tom.callis@peninsuladailynews.com.