PORT ANGELES — Road paving on First Street was scheduled to be finished by this morning.
“We’re hoping to have asphalt down tonight,” state Department of Transportation Engineer Jerry Moore said Thursday.
Transportation began the repaving project on First Street between Lincoln Street and Golf Course Road in Port Angeles earlier this month.
The project came on the heels of the city of Port Angeles’ First Street repaving project that stretched from Valley Street to Lincoln Street.
Striping next week
Lane striping, including the addition of bike lanes, will occur next week.
Some lane closures are expected, Moore said.
The bike lanes are being added at the request of the city, he said.
The project won’t be officially completed until each sidewalk along the street is made wheelchair-accessible.
That will take about two months to finish, Moore said.
Transportation hired Lakeside Industries as the main contractor.
The agency awarded the company the contract for $997,998.
Reporter Tom Callis can be reached at 360-417-3532 or at tom.callis@peninsuladailynews.com.