PORT ANGELES — The Clallam County Marine Resources Committee has announced that it will hire five high school or college students to intern with environmental projects this summer.
Two positions are available with the crabber outreach program.
Three more interns will be hired, one each with the kelp monitoring program, the green crab and Olympia oyster program and the pigeon guillemont breeding surveys.
Interns will be paid $15 per hour for a maximum of 80 hours.
Applicants must be at least 17 years old and must show a high level of responsibility in natural resources and environmental studies program work.
Full descriptions of each position and letter of intent guidelines are available at clallamcountymrc.org.
Interested applicants must email a letter of intent to handersen@co.clallam.wa.us by April 26.
For more information, call Helle Andersen at 360-417-2416.