WE FOUND CHRIS BELLOWS’ video of fly-fishing for silvers while cruising through the Vimeo website — you can see it at http://vimeo.com/27065814
“Spent a couple days fishing out at Neah Bay, Washington for salmon,” the Port Angeles fisherman wrote.
“We were primarily trolling for chinook salmon (king salmon) but spent a little over an hour fly fishing for coho salmon (silver salmon) with both subsurface patterns such as clouser minnows and topwater poppers.
“Neah Bay is one of the best saltwater coho salmon fly fishing spots in the world.”
To learn more about Bellows, click on his website — http://scrapchaser.blogspot.com/
It’s been “coho city” lately off Swiftsure Bank and by Neah Bay.
One angler told the Peninsula Daily News that they caught so many coho — all hatchery fish — that they got tired of taking them off the hook and quit fishing.
It’s been good for kings, too.
Read more — PDN Outdoor Editor Matt Shubert’s story today at http://tinyurl.com/3oxtbd5.
OTHER RELATED ITEMS from the Net today:
1. A steelhead trip to the North Olympic Peninsula by a Nebraska angler — http://www.nefga.org/forum/showthread.php?41069-Olympic-National-Park.
2. “Buspacking Olympic National Park Basics” — http://www.barefootjake.com/2011/07/buspacking-olympic-national-park-basics.html.
3. “Touring the Olympic Peninsula” — http://www.aikenstandard.com/local/0803-GO-jeff-wallace.
4. 10 Top Places to Visit in Olympic National Park — http://tinyurl.com/4yh2vuw