PORT ANGELES — The Olympic Medical Center Foundation has presented another $14,446 to OMC.
The money will go toward a bladder scanner for radiation oncology at the cancer center in Sequim and for equipment for the pediatrics clinic.
The foundation has given $1,010,178 to or on behalf of OMC in the past 15 months.
Of that, $627,326 went toward the expansion of the Cancer Center, pushing the total raised during the foundation’s capital campaign for the center to almost $1.2 million.
“We reached our goal of $1 million, and now we’re raising money to pay for equipment that will be needed as a result of the expansion,” said Bruce Skinner, OMC Foundation executive director.
OMC has broken ground for the cancer center expansion, which is scheduled to be completed by early January of next year.
Skinner said that, in addition to the $868,953 that has been presented at commissioner’s meetings for all donations in the past 15 months, another $141,225 has been donated on behalf of OMC for items that the foundation has paid directly.
That has included donations to the Peninsula College Nursing program, books for the children’s clinic, funds for hospital emergency transfers, physician retention, home health and scholarships for high school and college students pursuing careers in medicine, he said.
“We hope that many local people will become a part of our fundraising efforts,” Skinner said.
“It’s an opportunity for people to leave a lasting legacy, and 100 percent of the monies raised will go towards the project. There are also naming rights opportunities,” he continued.
For more information, or to make a donation, call the OMC Foundation office at 360-417-7144 or email bruce@omhf.org.