PORT ANGELES — After weeks waking up in a miserable mood, Steven Bridge decided to make lemonade from his lemons.
The Port Angeles entrepreneur owns three businesses squeezed in the “island” between the two Eighth Street bridges under construction.
After hearing many dates for when the bridges would be reopened and still unable to get a firm answer from City Hall, Bridge decided to have some fun with the apparent confusion.
“I just thought, ‘Contest,'” he said.
So at his burger joint — Eighth Street Bridge’s Grill — customers can fill out a form guessing the month, day and year of when both bridges will be publicly accessible again.
Parsons RCI Inc. of Sumner is replacing the two 70-year-old timber trestle bridges along West Eighth Street with concrete ones.
Each bridge will be 47 feet wide with two 12-foot travel lanes, two 5-foot bicycle lanes and two 6.5-foot sidewalks, and will feature two pedestrian viewpoints.