DAVID AMMONS, A former star Associated Press/Olympia reporter and now communications director for the Office of Secretary of State in Olympia, does a blog in which he recommends interesting stories he’s found on the Web.
Here are some of his “finds” today:
Funniest moments in Kagan’s confirmation hearing: http://bit.ly/d9Elie
(See also the PDN’s story on Kagen and “Twilight” at http://tinyurl.com/27mgghs)
Food for thought: Short-term thinking can hurt mission of state government: http://seattlecityclub.org/node/13
Crosscut review of new Legacy Project biography of Booth Gardner: `When Olympia knew hope’: http://crosscut.com/2010/06/30/mossback/19890/When-Olympia-knew-hope-/
WaPo editorial favoring Doe v. Reed decision, fearing `shredding’ by specific exemptions: http://bit.ly/bu1qzu
WaPo’s Cilizza—New poll shows indies breaking to GOP, away from Obama: http://voices.washingtonpost.com/thefix/
Gallup poll: http://bit.ly/d5Qe6e
Kathleen Parker: Is Obama our first `woman’ president? (“Obama may prove to be our first male president who pays a political price for acting too much like a woman.”) http://bit.ly/bVoult
EJ Dionne: Have Obama & Democrats forgotten how to fight?: http://bit.ly/amPVlR
Broder essay on Byrd’s departure, condition of the Senate: http://bit.ly/cMFJ74
“This sound bite on civility: ‘Byrd concluded his remarks by reminding his colleagues that `in the real world, exemplary personal conduct can sometimes achieve much more than any political agenda. Comity, courtesy, charitable treatment of even our political opposites, combined with a concerted effort to not just occupy our offices, but to bring honor to them, will do more to inspire our people and restore their faith in us, their leaders, than millions of dollars of 30-second spots or glitzy puff pieces concocted by spinmeisters.’
Tacoma News Tribune: Party endorsements in the Top 2 environment: http://bit.ly/dtZJLT