Giving back after help from Peninsula Home Fund

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is another in a series of articles on the Peninsula Home Fund. Click on the “Peninsula Home Fund” button at left to generate a coupon to send in with your contribution.

It’s not unusual.

Those on the receiving end of the Peninsula Daily News’ “handup, not a handout” Peninsula Home Fund in Jefferson and Clallam counties often show their thankfulness once they get back on their feet.

One woman bought herself a coat at Goodwill, then bought a second one and brought it to the offices of OlyCAP — Olympic Community Action Programs — so it could be given to someone else in need.

Others become volunteer workers at OlyCAP.

They “feel a need to repay and come back and volunteer out of a sense of gratitude,” says Bill Plumley, an OlyCAP staff member.

Problems can befall anyone — including families with two working parents.

One man who lives out-of-state was very grateful when he found out OlyCAP and the Home Fund helped his grown child with a family have heat, utilities and enough food to get through a bad winter.

He immediately starting making substantial yearly donations to the Peninsula Home Fund.

“Often we have suggestions that seem simple to us, but are huge to our client,” says OlyCAP staffer Kathy Warner.

“A boy recently piped up, `Thanks for helping my dad!’

“It almost made me cry.”

OlyCAP — the No. 1 emergency care agency on the North Olympic Peninsula — screens applicants for the PDN’s Peninsula Home Fund and allocates the funds.

Neither OlyCAP nor the Peninsula Daily News takes any money for the costs of the fund.

Every dollar, every penny, goes to help people — without any deductions for administration or overhead.

So far in 2006, the Peninsula Home Fund has given “a handup, not a handout” to more than 1,400 of our neighbors, families and individuals across the North Olympic Peninsula.

The Peninsula Home Fund is a modern version of neighbors’ pulling together to help each other, says OlyCAP Executive Director Tim Hockett.

He gives the illustration of days gone by — a man needed help plowing a field or raising a barn, and his neighbors came to help.

In return, he was also ready to help his neighbors.

“Each of us at some point in time is going to be in a position of needing help,” said Hockett.

And if you don’t need help today, “might we be in a position now to help someone else?”

Those on fixed incomes

Jefferson and Clallam counties are the home to the many affluent retirees with expendable incomes, equity-rich urban refugees — and others who can barely afford basics such as shelter and warm meals.

“We have so many of the elderly in this area who live on a fixed income — many on Social Security, which is just $633 a month — so when winter comes and they have to pay higher heating bills, this is the time they usually get in to trouble,” said Bonnie White, co-director of OlyCAP’s Community Syupport Services.

She says each month becomes a merry-go-round of worry for them as they have to choose which bill to pay — rent? water? heating bills? — so they still have enough money for food and medicine.

Frequently it’s the electric bill they fall behind on — to the point it’s about to get disconnected, or even does get cut off for nonpayment.

“Everyone needs heat in their home in the winter, so when a client comes to us for help we ask ourselves, `How can we make this happen?”‘ said the other support services co-director, Rita Houston.

“We do a lot of bartering with the power company every day.”

`A handup, not a handout’

From Thanksgiving through Dec. 31, the PDN’s Peninsula Home Fund is seeking contributions for its 2006 holiday season fund-raising campaign.

From Port Townsend to Forks, from Quilcene and Brinnon to LaPush, the fund is hope — and a chance for a better future — for children, teens, families and the elderly when there is nowhere else to turn.

It pays for hot meals for seniors, warm winter coats for kids, home repairs for the low income, needed eyeglasses and prescription drugs, dental work, safe, drug-free temporary housing . . . the list goes on and on.

The Peninsula Home Fund is unique and nonprofit.

* No money is deducted for administration or other overhead.

* All contributions are fully IRS tax-deductible.

* Your personal information is kept confidential. The Peninsula Daily News does not rent, sell, give or otherwise share your address or other information with anyone, or make any other use of it.

* All instances of help are designed to get an individual or family through the crisis — and back on the path to self-sufficiency.

That’s the “handup, not a handout” focus of the fund.

* Whenever possible, Peninsula Home Fund case managers work with each individual or family to develop a plan to become financially stable — and avoid a recurrence of the emergency that prompted aid from the fund.

Spent by Dec. 31

* Begun in 1989, the fund is supported entirely by Jefferson and Clallam residents.

Individuals, couples, businesses and school groups set a new record for contributions in 2005 — $135,168.75.

As of Nov. 1, $110,943.13 had gone to help 1,439 individuals and families.

All of the money is expected to be spent by Dec. 31.

* Peninsula Home Fund contributions are often used in conjunction with money from churches, service clubs and other donors, enabling OlyCAP to stretch the value of the contribution.

* Money is usually distributed in small amounts, usually up to $150.

* Assistance is limited to one time in a 12-month period.

To apply for a grant from the fund, phone OlyCAP at 360-452-4726 (Clallam County) or 360-385-2571 (Jefferson County).

If you have any questions about the fund, contact John Brewer, Peninsula Daily News editor and publisher, at 360-417-3500; e-mail

How to donate

A gift of any size is welcome.

The Peninsula Home Fund has never been a campaign of heavy hitters.

If you can contribute only a few dollars, please don’t hesitate because you think it won’t make a difference.

Every gift makes a difference, regardless of its size.

To donate, write a check to “Peninsula Home Fund” and attach it to the coupon that you can print out by clicking on the Home Fund button at upper left.

Mail both items to Peninsula Home Fund, Peninsula Daily News, P.O. Box 1330, Port Angeles 98362.

Or drop them at the newspaper’s offices in Port Townsend, Sequim or Port Angeles (addresses by clicking on “Contact Us”).

Again, all contributions are fully IRS tax-deductible.

You will receive a written thank you and acknowledgment of your contribution.

Peninsula Daily News publishes stories every Sunday and Wednesday during the fundraising campaign, listing contributors and reporting on how the fund works.

New contributions

The following are contributions received between Dec. 9 and Dec. 15 — thank you very much for making a difference in the lives — and futures — of your neighbors:

* Edith Snelgrove, Port Angeles — $100. In memory of David Pitts.

* Robin Wickersham, Sequim — $50. In memory of my husband, Ryan Wickersham. I’ve always believed that what comes around, goes around. Here is a donation and thanks for all the good that has come my way.

* Dusty and Mary Reiber, Port Angeles — $300. In memory of Bruce Clampett.

* Dave and Joan Miller, Port Angeles — $1,000. In honor of the people of Port Angeles.

* “JC and Pat,” Sequim — $200. PDN keep up the great work you do. You are unusual, i.e. it all goes to help people in our community with no salaries, etc. that the big nationals have. You are the best. Merry Christmas and God bless you all.

* Margie A. Movius, Port Angeles — $113. In memory of my daughter, Beverly J. Rice.

* Margie A. Movius, Port Angeles — $113. In memory of my son, Sgt. Paul J. Raber, U.S. Air Force.

* Margie A. Movius, Port Angeles — $113. In memory of my nephew and Port Angeles fireman and medic, Patrick W. “Pat” Rose. I’m proud of you, Pat!

* Robert and Ruth Worley, Port Angeles — $1,000.

* Yvonne Dillon and Daniel Zimm, Port Townsend — $100.

* Freia Palmer, Port Angeles — $100.

* Riley L. and Ann K. Bigler, Sequim — $100.

* Don and Blossom Leslie, Sequim — $100.

* Linda and Mel Farina, Port Angeles — $100.

* Howard Gipson, Port Angeles — $100.

* Thomas Floathe, Sequim — $25.

* John Warrick and Ruth Jenkins, Port Angeles — $100.

* J.M. Dodge, Port Angeles — $50.

* Carroll C. and Elnor Reid, Port Angeles, $25.

* Ralph and Pat Tisher, Port Townsend — $200.

* Albert R. Burge, Sequim — $250.

* Bob and Lil Critchfield, Port Angeles — $100.

Many thanks also to these donors, who requested that the amount of their donation be kept private:

* Peninsula Floors and Furnishings, Port Townsend.

* Pat Flood-Olympic Acupuncture, Port Angeles.

* The Toggery, Port Angeles.

* Juan de Fuca Cottages, Sequim.

* Sally and Dana B. Dolloff, Jacksonville, Fla. In memory of Ann Brewer.

* Cal and Barbara McIrvin, Sequim. In honor of Jesus’ birthday.

*. Mary Ann Beatty, Port Angeles. In memory of Vaughn Beatty.

* David Storm, Seattle. In honor of Warren Riley.

* Judy Munro, Port Angeles. In loving memory of my parents, Tom and Sally Munro.

* John McHenry, Port Angeles. In memory of Oma and Granny.

* Linda and Jim Beasler, Port Angeles:

In memory of Jim Beasler — We love you and miss you. Your family, the Beaslers and McFarlands.

In memory of Ellen “Nana” Ranta — We love you and miss you. Your family, the Beaslers, McFarlands, Rantas and Coxes.

In memory of Jesse Parks. The McFarland Family and Linda Beasler.

In memory of Lorraine Parks. The McFarland Family and the Beaslers.

In honor of the Grew Crow crew. Thanks for all you did for my retirement and all the years I worked. I am thoroughly enjoying my retirement time. Linda Beasler.

* Yvette N. Polizzi, Sequim. Hope this helps a bit; Happy Holidays to ALL!

* Barbara and Bob Cooper, Sequim. In memory of Jean Burrows.

*. John Kendall, Port Angeles. In memory of Carol Dodge.

* Joe and Renee Bleile, Sequim. In memory of Caroline Wetherald.

* Violet Grall, Port Angeles. In memory of Alvin “Bob” Grall.

* Penny Ervin, Port Angeles. In memory of Carole Cudd.

* Maura and Roger Oakes, Port Angeles. In memory of Stan and Loret McCool and Merrill and Roberta Oakes.

* Jack and Joyce Chiasson, Port Angeles. In memory of Vera and Joe Chiasson.

* Don and Clare Hatler, Sequim. In memory of Bob Vail.

* M. Bader, Port Angeles. In memory of Mia, so loved; and in honor of Anne, Cheri and Susan.

* Gwen D. Carter, Port Angeles. In memory of Al Carter.

* Chuck and Marian McGilvra, Port Angeles. In memory of Judy Morgan.

* Ann and Bob McCartney, Port Angeles. In memory of Kevin McCartney.

* Ron and Zoe Bayton, Port Angeles. In memory of our parents.

* Kay and Will Garrison, Port Angeles. In memory of Joe Wolfe.

* Sharin Metcalf, Sequim. In memory of Mother and Father, Clarence and Audrey Baker.

* Judy and Dick Owen, Port Angeles. In honor of our nieces and nephews.

* David and Francie Louden, Port Angeles. In honor of Duane, our wonderful mailman on Mount Pleasant Road.

* Douglas Cudd, Port Angeles. In memory of Carole Cudd.

* Grace Wanrow, Sequim. In memory of Michael Wanrow, my love.

* Ted and Linda Larsen, Sequim. In memory of daughter, Leslie.

* Lee and Irene Wyman, Port Angeles. In memory of Kay Wyman.

* James F. Brown, Sequim. In memory of Bernice S. Brown.

* Barbara Cochran Port Townsend. In honor of “Ouida.”

* Walter and Edith Rowell, Centennial, Colo. In honor of Ben and Donna Pacheco.

* Betty L. Hart, Sequim. In the name of Fred and Helen Gilchrist of Sequim. We decided this year to do something meaningful for the holidays in the place of gifts. Thank you for your good work.

* Karen and Ole Olson, Neah Bay. In honor of Ole and Karen Olson.

* Barbara Young and Lorida Ashcraft, Port Angeles. In honor of Ed King and Carin Phaneuf.

* C.C. Woodahl, Sequim. In memory of Lester.

* Rick Haskins, Port Angeles. In honor of Jenn Haskins, Jake Wyman and Kendall Wyman.

* Kerry and Marilyn Perkins, Port Angeles. Happy Holidays to our family — Perkins, Rawley, Rice, Rosenberg and Seresun.

* Dorothy Hutt, Sequim. In memory of Roy J. Wilson.

* Mary and Chris James, Port Angeles. In memory of our parents Linda, Janet and Don, along with, always, Grama Louise.

* Angelo and Brenda Spandrio, Sequim.

* Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Clark, Port Angeles.

* J.G. and Aural Burdick, Sequim.

* Daisy and Bill Hobbs, Port Angeles.

* Sue and C.V. Tondreau, Sequim.

* Velma and Herb Trosin, Sequim.

* Floyd Kilmer, Port Hadlock.

* John and Rosemary Forster, Port Angeles.

* Howard and Margaret Witt, Sequim.

* Bill and Barb Pearl, Port Angeles.

* Gerald and Charlotte Pierce, Sequim.

* Robert Scheuerman, Sequim.

* Robert and Jane Grunewald, Sequim.

* Richard Serkes and Terry Killgore, Port Angeles.

* Florence Chamberlain, Port Angeles.

* Roland and Vivian Raymond, Port Townsend.

* Lois Barner, Port Angeles.

* Jerry and Judy Mann, Sequim.

* Candace and Mike Shale, Sequim.

* Bill and Virginia Kinney, Sequim.

* The Kevin Estes Family, Sequim.

* Richard and Susan Cox, Sequim.

* John and Jeannette Hickman, Port Townsend.

* Michael Moss and Betty Gordon, Sequim.

* Mickey and Beth McGuffin, Sequim.

* Marjorie Faires, Port Angeles.

* Joe and Cheryl Winney, Port Angeles.

* William and Marlene Burnside, Sequim.

* Bob and Joanne Bird, Brinnon.

* Jim and Cheryl Coulter, Sequim.

* Karen Winther, Port Angeles.

* Frank Trostle, Port Angeles.

* Ken and Marge Hansen, Port Angeles.

* Donald and Barbara Reidel, Port Angeles.

* Bob and Mary Howell, Forks.

* Conny Duppenthaler, Port Angeles.

* Nik and Judy Dolmatoff, Port Angeles.

* Bill and Bonnie Dyrness, Sequim.

* Michael and Patricia Moore, Sequim.

* Virginia M. Johnson, Port Hadlock.

* Elsie MacDougall, Port Angeles.

* Sam and Martha Baker, Port Angeles.

* Richard and Sally Ruud, Port Angeles.

* Carol Baker, Port Townsend.

* David and Loretta Bryant, Sequim.

* Charles and Linda Faires, Port Angeles.

* William Clark, Port Townsend.

* William and Carol Peet, Port Angeles.

* Karen and Ole Olson, Neah Bay.

* Bruce and Gerri Ferguson, Port Angeles.

* Tom and Lynda Bailey, Sequim.

* Alice Watkins, Port Angeles.

* James and Theresa Stover, Sequim.

* Chris and Shelley Stratton, Sequim.

* Fred and Georgine Sullivan, Port Angeles.

* Lucy E. Willis, Sequim.

* Richard and Helen McCammon, Sequim.

Many thanks also to these donors who requested anonymity:

* Sekiu — $20.

* Sequim. In memory of Marvin Davis and George and Nina Danielson.

* Port Angeles. In memory of Ralph A. Strand.

* Tacoma. In honor of Virgil and Jean Fischer. We miss you.

* Port Townsend. In memory of Joseph Lanza.

* Port Angeles. In honor of wonderful friends, everywhere.

* Sequim. In honor of Katie, Susie and Julie.

* Sequim. In memory of Bob. (I would like this to go to abused women and children.)

* Port Angeles. In memory of Patricia Plum.

* Sequim — $25.

* Sequim — $50.

* Sequim — $25.

* Sequim — $25.

* Sequim — $1,000.

* Port Angeles — $100.

* Port Angeles — 50.

* Port Angeles — $50.

* Port Angeles — $50.

* Sequim — $200.

* Port Angeles — $100.

* Scappoose, Ore. — $100.

* Sequim — $100.

* Port Angeles — $50.

* Port Angeles — $50.

* Sequim — $100.

* Sequim — $110.

* Port Angeles — $50.

* Sequim — $30.

* Sequim — $100.

* Sequim — $102.

* Port Angeles — $200.

* Port Townsend — $300.

* Sequim — $50.

* Port Townsend — $25.

* Sequim — $100.

* Port Angeles — $500.

* Port Angeles — $40.

* Sequim — $20.

* Sequim — $250.

* Sequim — $500.

* Sequim — $300.

* Port Angeles — $100.

* Sequim — $100.

* Sequim — $1,000.

* Sequim — $50.

* Sequim — $50.

* Port Angeles — $35.

* Port Townsend — $150.

* Port Angeles — $200.

* Port Angeles — $200.

* Sequim — $50.

* Sequim — $25.

* Sequim — $100.

* Sequim — $100.

* Sequim — $100.

* Sequim — $250.

* Port Angeles — $100.

* Port Hadlock — $25.

* Sequim — $100.

* Port Angeles — $100.

* Sequim — $50.

* Sequim — $100.

* Sequim — $200.

* Sequim — $25.

* Sequim — $50.


Handwriting can be hard to decipher at times. Please report any errors in this list to John Brewer, 360-417-3500, Our sincerest appreciation again to our donors.

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