PORT ANGELES — Authorities and Republican Party leaders are investigating — and wondering why — pieces of concrete were thrown through the window of party headquarters.
County Republican Party Vice Chairman Fred Norton said the vandalism must have occurred between 9 p.m. and midnight on Thursday.
He received a call from Port Angeles police about 12:30 a.m. Friday, and reached the storefront office at 509 S. Lincoln St. about 1 a.m.
The police told him someone had thrown what looked like sections of concrete curb through the window, Norton said.
Two of them went through the windows and hit the office’s desk, and the third bounced off the door, bending it and breaking the glass, he said.
Norton said he and party members Keith and Carol Moffett spent the night shoveling glass, vacuuming and otherwise cleaning up the mess.
“It didn’t look like anything was taken,” Norton said.