PORT ANGELES — Clallam County Democrats are holding an informational forum Sunday about the local effect on health care delivery if Congress succeeds in erasing important provisions of the health reform law called the Affordable Care Act.
Members of the health care community have been invited to speak at the free forum from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. in the Carver Room of the Port Angeles Library, 2210 S. Peabody St.
“We’re bringing awareness to some of the issues that will be coming up before Congress,” said Ellen Fetchiet, one of the organizers.
Rep. Mike Chapman will moderate the forum, they said.
The Democratic leadership of the U.S. House and Senate has called for a National Day of Action, “Our First Stand: Save Health Care,” to be held nationwide Sunday.
Speakers will make introductory presentations on what they expect to be the local impact on health care delivery and affordable access to health care if provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) are erased.
Their remarks will be followed by questions from the audience.
“We’re promoting community awareness of the potential loss of ACA, Medicare and Medicaid,” said Bob Hosek, another organizer.
The Republican-led U.S. Congress, under pressure from President-elect Donald Trump to move quickly, took its first concrete step toward dismantling ACA early Thursday when the Senate voted to instruct key committees to draft legislation to repeal it.
Only one Republican, Kentucky’s Rand Paul, joined Senate Democrats in opposing the resolution, which passed 51-48.
The House of Representatives plans to vote on the measure today, Speaker Paul Ryan said.
No replacement has been announced.
Clallam County Democrats can be reached at 124 W. First St., Suite A, Port Angeles; 360-452-0500; or CCD@clallamdemocrats.org.