PORT ANGELES — HeartDance, promoted as “an innovative movement centered model for personal and social transformation . . . discover new ways to bring joy and spontaneous play into your work, community and family,” will be held from 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. on Sunday, Feb. 28.
The workshop will be at the Port Angeles Senior Center, 328 E. 7th St.
Cost is $60, with scholarships for teens and other discounts available.
“Parents, grandparents and teens can learn new skills as they share a day of live music, renewing their own creativity,”said D Bellemante, director of the senior center.
The Feb. 28 workshop will be conducted by Turning the Wheel, a nonprofit organization that bill itself as “passionate about employing the arts to foster self-esteem, appreciation of diversity and commitment to community.”
It has offered the HeartDance workshop in cities in the United States and Canada for more than 20 years.
“We took advantage of a slot in Turning the Wheel’s schedule to bring them to Port Angeles for a day-long experience of community creativity,” said Diana Somerville, a Port Angeles author who is handing registration for the workshop.
To reserve a spot at the workshop, or for more information, phone 303-449-5720 or 360 452-1212, or e-mail info@turningthewheel.org.