PORT ANGELES — The Port Angeles Regional Chamber of Commerce, which is putting on the gala fireworks show that climaxes the town’s Independence Day celebration July 4, today asked for the help of an organization or service club.
“The chamber could use some help securing the Olympic Discovery Trail the afternoon of July 4 from 3 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. to keep people from getting too close to the fireworks show setup,” said chamber Executive Director Russ Veenema.
“In the past, we have used the boys from DeMolay, but they do not have the ability to assist any longer.
“We need people at the Francis Street Park entrance and also on the Olympic Discovery Trail a few hundred yards west of Francis Street,” Veenema said. “Breaking the time up in to two or three shifts works great, and the bonus is that these sites are the best places to watch the show.”
A club or group seeking to raise $250 to enforce the trail closure east of the Red Lion Hotel during Saturday, July 4, contact Veenema at 360-477-9036 or at russ@portangeles.org.