PORT ANGELES — A lucky shopper at any one of 27 participating Port Angeles businesses this weekend could win a $3,500 shopping spree during a celebration meant to kick off the holiday season and showcase the best of what the city’s retail establishments have to offer.
Port Angeles’ 2013 Holiday Extravaganza runs this Saturday and Sunday and is a thank-you to local customers that make the city’s small businesses possible, said Edna Petersen, a store owner and one of the organizers of the event.
The weekend celebration is also a chance to reacquaint residents with locally owned Port Angeles shops they might not even know exist, said Petersen, who owns Necessities & Temptations at 217 N. Laurel St., which she describes as a downtown department store.
The extravaganza, running from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, will feature 27 shops across the city where residents can enter a drawing to win $3,500 in gift certificates for goods and services.
You can enter to win each day at any or all of the stores.
It will increase your chances of winning to go to as many of the 27 businesses as possible, Petersen noted.
A 12-page flier listing the 27 stores and highlighting special events and special sales during Holiday Extravaganza 2013 is part of Wednesday’s Peninsula Daily News.
You can also access it online at http://issuu.com/peninsuladailynews/docs/holidayextrav2013