PORT ANGELES — Applications are due Sept. 27 for positions on boards for the William Shore Memorial Pool District.
Applicants must live within the pool district boundaries, which are the same as the Port Angeles School District’s.
A pool board commissioner will be appointed by the other members of the five-person board for a one-year term beginning Jan. 1.
Commissioner Gary Holmquist has served two one-year terms and must step down, said Tammy Sullenger, board clerk.
The board meets at 3 p.m. the fourth Tuesday of each month in the Clallam County commissioners’ meeting room (Room 160) in the courthouse at 223 E. Fourth St.
Two positions are open on the advisory committee that makes recommendations to the board on maintenance and operation of the pool at 225 E. Fifth St.
Both will be appointed to two-year terms beginning Jan. 1.
The advisory committee is made up of seven people.
Applications are available by phoning the commissioners’ office at 360-417-2383, visiting the office in the courthouse or online at http://tinyurl.com/poolboardapplication.