PORT ANGELES — Voters’ apparent approval of a levy lid lift Tuesday could help stitch up Olympic Medical Center’s hemorrhaging finances, according to its CEO.
The margin of approval was 5,780 to 5,127, or 53 percent to 47 percent. Passage needs a simple majority.
Eric Lewis, the hospital’s CEO, thanked volunteer campaigners and promised the new revenue would “make sure we have a high-quality hospital and high-quality outpatient services.”
Tuesday’s totals reflected only the 12,128 ballots that had been received through Thursday, county Auditor Patty Rosand said.
She said at least 7,000 votes remain untallied, whether in drop boxes, the mail or the auditor’s office.
She blamed the slow counting on a late surge of voting and on write-in ballots her office is required to process.
The next tally will be made Thursday and include 2,756 ballots received Friday and Monday, Rosand said.
Another tally — ballots that were mailed or placed in drop boxes Tuesday — will be made next Wednesday.
Official totals will be certified Sept. 3.