PORT ANGELES — Womanfest and Olympic Cellars Winery will jointly host the 10th annual International Women’s Day celebration at Olympic Cellars Winery, 255410 U.S. Highway 101
The event starts at 6 p.m. Wednesday, March 5.
International Women’s Day (Saturday, March 8) is a global celebration of the economic, political and social achievements of women.
All are welcome to attend. The event includes a light dinner.
The suggested donation is $10. Proceeds will be donated to one local and one international charity.
For more information, contact Molly Rivard at 360-452-0160 or molly@olympiccellars.com.
For more information about International Women’s Day, visit internationalwomensday.com.
For information about Womanfest, visit www.womanfest.org.