PORT ANGELES — Womanfest will host the 11th annual International Women’s Day celebration at Olympic Cellars tonight.
The gathering will start at 6 p.m. at the winery at 255410 U.S. Highway 101, which has co-sponsored the event since 2001.
Homemade soups and breads will be served, with cookies for dessert. A cash wine bar will be open.
The suggested donation for dinner is $10.
The money will be split between the Lower Elwha Family Advocacy Program and Prevention International: No Cervical Cancer (PINCC).
In addition, winery owner Lisa Martin will donate a portion of the evening’s wine sales proceeds to the two organizations.
Representatives of the two groups will speak.
The mistress of ceremonies will be Sandy Ulf, president of Womanfest.
For information about Womanfest and its scholarship program, email Cindy Moore at scinmoore@msn.com.
For details about the celebration at Olympic Cellars, contact Molly Rivard at 360-452-0160 or molly@olympiccellars.com.