PORT ANGELES — The School Board unanimously approved closing all Port Angeles schools because of Monday’s one-day protest strike this coming Monday.
Scheduled student activities and sports scheduled for Monday also were canceled, according to the board’s action, taken Tuesday night at a special meeting.
The Port Angeles teachers’ union is one of three among North Olympic Peninsula districts participating in a statewide “rolling walkout” in protest of the Legislature’s inability, they say, to fully fund K-12 education as required by the state Supreme Court.
The Port Angeles board also ordered a half-day make-up day to be held June 15, which was included in the original district schedule as a snow make-up day.
High school seniors who are scheduled to graduate June 12 will not be required to attend school June 15.
According to the Washington Education Association website, www.ourvoicewashingtonea.org, unions in 45 public school districts statewide now have joined the rolling walkout movement.
The only North Olympic Peninsula districts so far are Port Angeles, Sequim and Chimacum.
Chimacum School District’s teachers are scheduled to walk out Friday, and Sequim teachers will stage a one-day strike Monday.