PORT ANGELES — A delegation of students and chaperones from Mutsu City, Japan, will arrive Thursday in Port Angeles and stay with student hosts until the following Monday.
The visit marks the 21st anniversary of the Port Angeles-Mutsu City sister city and sister school exchanges, according to Lucy Edwards, Port Angeles School District organizer for the upcoming Tanabu High School visit.
Will attend classes, activities
The Japanese students will attend class and activities with high school student hosts and visit with student pen pals at Jefferson Elementary.
They will have opportunities to tour downtown Port Angeles and the natural surroundings of the Olympic Peninsula, tour Victoria and take part in planned activities with host families.
The Port Angeles School District, city of Port Angeles and Peninsula International Relations Association representatives have worked together with Mutsu City schools and organizations on behalf of this visit and previous exchanges.
Tanabu High is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year.