Jefferson County has formed a citizens committee to help develop a solution to saltwater intrusion into private water wells.
And the committee begins its quest at its first meeting Friday.
The nine-member committee was formed for a program to monitor seawater seepage after the Western Washington Growth Management Hearings Board rapped the county in January.
Commissioners had earlier rejected staff recommendations on how to deal with the problem, and decided to seek input from the public on the issue.
New rules on saltwater intrusion must be in place by Aug. 11, said county Natural Resources Manager Dave Christiansen.
The issue largely revolves around the sharing of resources, and whether a well drawing water will contribute to saltwater contamination of a nearby well.
The issue includes to what extent Jefferson County is charged with preventing groundwater degradation under the state Growth Management Act.
The citizens group will hold the first of four meetings at 10 a.m. Friday at the Jefferson County Library, 620 Cedar Ave., Port Hadlock.