PORT ANGELES – Water quality and salmon recovery head the agenda for Monday’s meeting among Clallam and Jefferson counties’ commissioners.
The session – with 11 items on its agenda – will start at 1:30 p.m. in the commissioners’ hearing room (160) of the Clallam County Courthouse, 223 E. Fourth St., Port Angeles.
Topics commissioners and staff members will discuss include:
The Puget Sound Partnership Action Plan, salmon recovery, and Water Resource Inventory Areas 17 and 20, which the counties share.
A proposed clean water district in east Jefferson County in response to the state’s closure of the Discovery Bay Shellfish Station.
The mental health sales tax that both counties levy and programs for treatment.
The Olympic Discovery Trail.
The Peninsula Development Association and economic activities.
A regional laboratory for water testing in conjunction with the Resource Conservation and Development Council that covers both counties.
Early childhood learning programs of the Olympic Community Action Program, or OlyCAP.
An update on the Olympic Peninsula Narcotics Enforcement Team, or OPNET.
An update on the Olympic Public Safety Communication Alliance Network, or OPSCAN.
Joint marketing.
An update on the Regional Transportation Planning Organization.