PORT HADLOCK – A Jefferson County commissioner is confident that a Port Hadlock-Irondale sewer facility plan will be approved by year’s end.
“Most important is that we have a sewer plan, which is now in the hands of the (state) Department of Ecology and the Department of Health,” David Sullivan, D-Cape George told about 25 business leaders attending the Port Hadlock Chamber of Commerce luncheon Wednesday at the Inn at Port Hadlock.
“I’m real optimistic that this sewer plan is going to come through the process virtually unchanged,” he said.
The county just completed a $450,000 study to determine an adequate sewer system for the area, and found what locations could hook up to the system.
Sullivan directed chamber audience members to see the draft plan at www.porthadlocksewer.org, where plan information, schedules, contact information, maps, meeting summaries and slide presentations can be found.
Those who might benefit from the sewer project, which is still years away from construction, can also submit questions and comments on the Web site.
County staffers began to compile comments from the sewer facility plan review group this month.
Sullivan said the county also is working on a State Environmental Policy Act checklist for the project.
Porgress on the urban growth area plan for the Hadlock-Irondale area will be reported to the state Growth Management Hearings Board.