PORT TOWNSEND — Jefferson County elected officials and non-union management and professional employees will receive a pay raise as an effect of the county commissioners approving the pay increases on Tuesday.
The raises come in two separate groupings and have already been incorporated into the 2006 county budget.
Elected officials will receive a 4 percent salary increase, whereas exempt salaried county employees — employees who do not receive overtime pay — will receive a 2.5 percent increase.
Raises have not been granted since Jan. 1, 2004.
“The increases were two year’s worth of cost-of-living adjustments,” said county Administrator John Fischbach.
Fischbach works under a separate contract, so his salary was not affected by the pay increases. He makes about $84,000 a year.
Commissioners’ salaries were not affected by the increases either. Their salaries can only be adjusted if they are re-elected to office or if a new commissioner takes over.
Currently, Commissioner Pat Rodgers, R-Brinnon, has a salary of $56,342 and David Sullivan, D-Cape George, and Phil Johnson, D-Port Townsend, both receive $53,108.
Matrix used
A matrix in which elected officials’ salaries range from $50,964 per year to $93,145 per year and non-union government employees’ salaries range from $32,309 per year to $92,847 per year was used to determine the pay increases.
Elected officials receiving raises are Treasurer Judith Morris, Assessor Jack Westerman and Auditor Donna Eldridge at $63,619 per year; Superior Court Clerk Ruth Gordon at $50,964 per year; Sheriff Mike Brasfield at $65,422 per year; and County Prosecuting Attorney Juelie Dalzell at $89,096 per year.