PORT HADLOCK — The Jefferson County Conservation District is accepting applications for a seat on its board of supervisors through the end of January.
Qualified applicants will be placed on the ballot for the district’s March 4 election.
Under state law, conservation districts are managed by a board of five supervisors; three are elected locally and two are appointed by the state’s Conservation Commission.
The volunteer conservation district supervisors direct the general activities of the district, including the adoption of policy.
Current supervisor Laurie Hannan has announced she will not run for reelection.
Interested candidates must be registered voters in Jefferson County and file a Candidate Required Information Form with the district no later than 4 p.m. Jan. 31.
For more information about candidate filing, call Jessica Brittain, the district’s elections supervisor, at 360-385-4105, email jbrittain@jeffersoncd.org, visit the district’s office at 205 W. Patison St., Suite C, Port Hadlock, WA 98339, or visit www.scc.wa.gov/elections-and-appointments.
Conservation district elections are conducted separately from the elections managed by county assessors.
Ballots must be requested by contacting Brittain. Voters should allow for sufficient time if requesting a ballot by mail.