PORT ANGELES — The last five of the 25 girders to be installed on the new Tumwater Creek bridge are scheduled to arrive this morning.
The girders will be placed on the bridge’s west end.
City Project Manager Jim Mahlum said hoisting these last five girders will be more difficult than the recent ones, much like the first five that were put in place on the bridge’s east end last week.
“With the girders in the middle, the cranes picked them up on either end,” he said.
“This time, there will be one crane up above and one below.
“The one up above will pick up the girder, then they will back up the truck and hand off the girder to the crane down below.”
Eighth Street’s Tumwater Creek bridge and Valley Creek bridge are being replaced by Parsons RCI Inc. of Sumner in an $18.4 million project.