Tonight’s the night of the “Eclipse.”
Technically, it’ll be a half-hour into Wednesday for fans of the blockbuster novel and film series that debuts with its third — and darkest — movie, “The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.”
About a dozen fans had already lined up in Port Angeles by Monday morning, stretching the line west from the Lincoln Theater, where the reputed first movie date of lovers Edward and Bella was held and thus is sacred “Twilight” ground for diehard Twi-hard fans.
Perhaps because the Uptown Theater
in Port Townsend doesn’t carry the fabled significance of the Lincoln, no fans were reported lined up Monday for tonight’s midnight showing of “Eclipse.”
Only ones on Peninsula
The Lincoln and the Uptown are the only cinemas on the North Olympic Peninsula that will show “Eclipse” when it goes into national release Wednesday.
Neither theater is selling advance tickets.
For Brianna Gilbeck of Port Angeles, who was the first person in line as of last Tuesday — a full week before the movie’s release — the days have been long.
“Sometimes it gets kind of boring sitting here,” she said.
But friends aplenty have shown up to entertain, and gazing passers-by never fail to interest.
Those leaving bars after hours provide nighttime entertainment.
At other times, the group takes turns waving at passing cars.
Taunting passers-by
But not all passers-by are nice, said Mary Jahns, a friend of Gilbeck who is keeping her company during the day.
Many of the cars passing will yell insults and obscenities at the teens, she said.
“I wouldn’t care so much about us, but there are some really younger kids here,” said Jahns, 17.
Bergen Amundson, 12, Natasha Twamley, 13, and Shania Alderson, 13, have been spending the night with Shania’s mother supervising.
The group conspired to camp out as fans of the past movies and books.
All three agree the more action-oriented Eclipse and fourth book Breaking Dawn are the best of the series and are looking forward to the big-screen versions.
“My favorite scene in the book is where Edward proposes to Bella,” Alderson said.
Twamley said she had a different idea of the best scene.
“I like in the book where Bella punches Jacob and breaks her hand,” she said.
“It is really funny.”
Tickets go on sale at 5:20 p.m. today at the Lincoln Theater, 132 E. First St., Port Angeles, for showings at 7:25 p.m. of both previous “Twilight” movies and the 12:30 a.m. Wednesday screening of “Eclipse.”
“Starting Wednesday, we’ll also have [“Eclipse”] featured on two screens for at least three weeks,” said Lincoln film buyer John Harsh.
Tickets are $20 for the triple feature; $10 for “Eclipse” only.
At the Uptown Theatre, 1120 Lawrence St, Port Townsend, “Eclipse” will be shown just after midnight tonight, with the box office opening at 11:15 p.m.
All tickets will be $8.
Rick Wiley of the Uptown said he didn’t expect fans to line up much ahead of time.
“I’ve never had to turn someone away because our theater can hold 350 people,” he said.
Reporter Paige Dickerson can be reached at 360-417-3535 or at