PORT ANGELES — Longtime radio and TV journalist Dick Goodman has retired after 62 years in the business, the last 14 at KONP radio.
Goodman, 81, a KONP radio announcer-reporter since 2000, started as a 20-year-old journalist for Armed Forces Radio Service, now Armed Forces Radio Network, in 1952, he said.
One station was in Kodiak, Alaska; the other was Kwajalein in the Marshall Islands.
“I’m tired,” said Goodman, an Agnew resident and Port Angeles native.
“It’s time to wind down and relax.”
He retired last week.
Goodman graduated from the University of Washington in 1959 with a degree in radio and television.
He has worked mostly as a news and sports reporter for KOMO, KMPS, and KING AM radio stations in Seattle, KXRO radio in Aberdeen, and KIMA TV and KNDO TV in Yakima.
“You name it, I’ve been all over, from Blaine to Portland, all up and down [Interstate] 5.”
When Goodman moved back to Port Angeles in 1996, he was a bus driver for the Port Angeles School District and Olympic Bus Lines before KONP hired him for the station’s Saturday morning news show.
After that, his reporting duties expanded.
In 1957, Goodman water skied — on one ski — from Port Angeles to Victoria.
He believes it was the first attempt to cross the Strait of Juan de Fuca on one ski.
In retirement, Goodman said he plans to play golf and spend time with his girlfriend, Irene Irvine — and may work from time to time at KONP.
The couple live in Agnew.